About Me

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Itanagar, Arunacahl Pradesh, India
An obsessive thinker. Mostly confused. Polite. Talks less. I try to live and learn everyday.

Monday, August 24, 2009


..Firstly, I'm glad that there is an exsistence of BLOGGER in this world or even atleast in my life. There are things, or especially when it comes to me, that I don't share with anyone. Or even if i do, I wonder if i have the LISTERS full attention. This BLOG system has opened a whole new world of ALWAYS READY TO LISTEN page to me without the JUDGEMENTAL part. Wow!! I am actaully releived..

So, I'll begin now with my new post..>>MURDER OF FEAR<<.
..A true story based on true event to a living being named Topsy..

It's almost a week now since it happened to me, and after the life-defining week and all those thoughts that have been provoking me, I have come to realise that THE FEAR IS FINALLY MURDERED....
Wondering what I'm talking about?
...I guess it was Thursday night. I was on my way to get my phone from my friends place which I had foolishly left. Unaware of what was destined to happen, I took a Rickshaw to my friends place. Feeling the breezy air cut thorough me and having a moment of thought that said "Wow!! North Campus is really cool place!!"...I felt something intervening my glorious moment. And before I could realise I was on the ground, FALLEN and BLEEDING and CONFUSED......The only stimuli that reached my body parts from my brain was, "RUN AFTER THE BIKE". And I ran petrified. "NOT SCARED".

topsy!!!! topsy!!!! topsy!!! topsy!!!

That was the my friends SCREAMING voice commanding me to come back. I Looked back at her face that was swinging between fear, hope and anger. I looked at the bikers again, they vanished into the thin darkness..

..I came back, without any fear on my face, but Strong and I knew, The FEAR WITHIN ME WAS DEAD.

Many reading this, would or is wondering What I'm I trying to convey. Thinking, "Is this some Bull-S***ing?"...I would say YES and NO. Because I know, it's hard for me express out what exactly is in my heart, for I fear of being unmasked. And No, because some of this writing are written to tell me myself what I have learned today, even if makes sense to someone or not.

Thank you for reading though..

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ghost of you

Lying on the bed, I think i have finally moved on..
when the memories come out live from the pictures of us together
I see a picture of us holding hands together, when you promised me the moon and stars
...and kissed saying "I'll always be by your side"

....5 years have gone by, with
the ghost of you beside me Haunting till I break down and cry.

Years again I see you across the street..holding hands with someone new..promising a new promise to always be there. Ever wondering how do you do it.
5 years gone, yet I find this pain new. This separation that seemed happen just yesterday. It never seems to get old and age away with Time. They say. Time heals. But I say It stays within forever.

...I don't love you nor do i miss you..but yet i want you too know this..
but..it echoes back to me..!! with emptiness

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Street Kings Of India aka S.K.I

It's fun to watch Ronaldo do it on the T.V. It's exciting to have one of the David Beckhams' on your phone...But what if you can do it all by yourself??

I'm talking about FREESTYLE football tricks here. Many youngster have grown up seeing such football tricks on YouTube,Television, Etc. In fact, I have dreamt about getting on the streets and performing such football tricks.
What if a groups is born to bring alive the freestyle football that you see the stars doing it to India and teach you all that you have dreamt of and become a star like them!!...And, that's is when India's first ever Freestyle Football, Steet King Of India(S.K.I), steps in to make your dream come to reality. So, do you think you got the talent and passion for football?? Then come join S.K.I. Actually, You really don't need to be some super-human to do this freestyle movements. It's easy. It's simple. and it's fun to see the good-looking guys do it. I suggest the guys not to send their girlfriends or get their Girlfriends along to watch them..;)

It's the first ever freestyle football that has been introduced to India. Though it is still a baby, it has got several fans esp. 'Apna Dilli'. I rememeber asking one of the memeber, "This group looks fun and sounds fun". I wasn't really sure when He replied saying, "You bet. It is!!". But as months have followed by, I have been routinely following up with their updates and trust me when i say..."IT ROCKS!!!!"..Recently, the group was honoured to be part of FFA(Football Federation Association).

As their punch line hits >> THE FILED IS NOT THE LIMIT <<. It's not only the field that they limit themselves to. Join them and you'll know what I mean. S.K.I not only is about freestyle football but about Private Parties with DJ Yanger Lemtur who is the official DJ of the S.K.I.

It's all new, completely refreshing concept that is introduced to India. Enough of playing with the same rules....If you have it in you..the groups waits for you and has jammed up the party for you..all you got to do is JOIN..and take on the show.!!!!!

(From Left>Right:Michael Keishing, Aditya Pawar, Ikon D Luikham and DJ Yanger Lemtur)

Want to know more about them?

or just

>Join them on Facebook
>Join them on Orkut

7.2% to 1%...!!!!!...Hell NO.....

hell NO.

Today there's going to be a meeting among us, "Arunachal Pradesh" student, on the student or ST reservation cutting short from 7.2% to 1%. My reaction to this wouldn't entirely be like the opening line of this blog. I have two polarised opinion on this. This 1% reservation would in some way, make us realize the importance of it. Like I have seen in me and in others, not many of us are really serious about the facilities we get out of this reservation. So!! why not give this opportunity to someone who's worthy entity of it. I really wouldn't be surprised if my friends get angry regarding this opinion. But, on the other polar opinion, I feel it shouldn't cut down to that extend of 1%!!!...it's really less. Not that we are greedy of it and we don't utilize the extra privilege. There're many out there, who are not like us, are really working their A** out. What about those students? the % of students that come out to study is barely comprised of 10% of the actual student population. Forget that, how about this statistic. the STs' don't only comprise of tribes in the NORTH-EAST but of place like Jharkhand and many other states that has STs'. According to 2001 consensus, STs' contributed 8% to India population. And with India growing population rate and the year being 2009, a reservation for still underdeveloped states as 1% is not justified. If so, then the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The lack of opportunities would cut down education in not only in the NORTH-EASTERN states but in other states that has Schedule Tribes and have not yet come out and never tasted the fruit of education or what education really means. Just recently we celebrated our independence day, the 62nd year of Independence. India has yet to grow in many social ways. i understand the need of cutting down on reservation for Schedule Tribe as for the protest that the counter movements have been making, but i believe cutting down to one percentage wouldn't really help.

..On my second view, this reservations, has other good points. I think its also about national integration. If we look this way, it helps lot out there who can't afford it comes out of their house. Education is one platform, where one is still learning. Reservation is one of the mode to get the Rich, The Poor, The tribal and the non tribal, to come out for once and see how is all like, and helps in eroding the Prejudiced or pre-conceived notion of how the others are from different region. and, I think that's what the Independence was fought for!

I would like to conclude with this note that Indian Government should give it a wise thought and re-consider their opinion or decision.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bloggers BLOG!!

..today's 18th of August. I have probably made an account in BLOGGER earlier too, but deleted it thinking, "Dude! Do you really think you can take out your time out? and write "post-about-your-life-that-would-probably-not-be-read-by-someone-else". That was the death of my earlier post. But thinking of it now, I rather write than having to bother about who is going to read it or not. Of lately, I have come close to realising the importance of PERSONAL SPACE, which I lacked. I'm and will be glad if i don't find any reader to this blog.

So, it's an inauguration day for my REBIRTH blog. The Karma. Vicious Cycle. <<<-- Oh now that leads us to completely different topic. For past few months, my grey matter have been jolting me with some great philosophical thoughts, and for the 1st time, I'm not emotionally attached to the thoughts, but think of it in a practical way. and such thoughts have and is helping me grow( Now this one for dumb ones, not literally but having broader thought and mature thoughts).

......okay, I guess, I had enough of sitting in front of my laptop and pretending i really have something to write. Not like I'm some dumb Blondie(Sorry Blonde's), but just that i seriously have nothing to write. So, i think this post as for the beginner will be fair enough deal on BLOGGER. it's 11:45pm, so i say me good night. I'm not sleeping right away, I'll stroll around this blog site.