You were there, Crying
When You were Supposed to be in the Light
You were there, Begging
When You were Supposed to Give away.
I saw you, behind the Door
Trying hard to hold that nth last Tear
and Howl Silently.
..Your unspoken question to God
Why? He left you with a Broken Heart
Why? He never let you have the Perfect life
That resided like a Parasite in your Mind
Distorting you between Real & Apocrypha world.
and you walked out Silently with a vague Smile
with no one to notice you
You heard the girl say, "Look How Pathetically she is dressed!"
You heard your Guardian whisper, "She is a total waste!"
They watched you march boldly ahead,
When you were weak and afraid inside,
Ready to break down any moment again..
Life has treated you all the wrong way,
They Threw Stones, When You wanted Roses
They Stabbed you, When You wanted a Hug
Breaking every ounce of you
But they never broke the Real you
because they never really got to know the person you are within.
They made you everything that you never wanted to be,
But everything You should be..
..You are more than what Life has thrown at you
Somewhere Between..
The Broken Dreams
The Broken Heart
The Broken Hope
Lies a Brave Heart.
Ready to ride the Bumpy Ride
I see the Tear in those eyes, but I also see the POWER TO HEAL IN THEM
There was camera those days,
Moments & Memories that we could have captured,
But we didn't.
We laughed.
We Smiled.
We Broke the rules.
We Had you scream at your lungs
We even argued with you.
There you went.
With a Smile
leaving behind the prints of you
We now Cry at those funny moment
At those broken rules.
Wishing we could have saved your Shouts.
It was ordinary Teacher-Student Relation.
But there was something Special.
You were more than that.
You shared the big pain with us.
You shared the small Laugh with us.
The WORDS you used
Made me search up the dictionary.
You were more than the title that Principal Seat gave you
You were our Guardian.
You were our Guide.
The hand that held us through our Dark times.
Like the Single Flame of the Candle
You Enlightened us all
and now here we are gathered in your memory
Talking about the moments
Some Whispering a silent cry
Some cursing themselves that they could have not argued
Some regretting the wasted time which could have build into something more beautiful
Oh! How I wish, I could have stored those moment in the Camera.
But then again, the prints of those moments were much better saved in our Heart
It's hard to believe
What we missed in that fraction of second when we blinked
and now with your ashes ready to start it's journey through the river
I forgot to tell you,
You were my Hero and My Mentor....
- Topsy Kamchi
This is in Memory of Mrs. Ramamurthi,
Our Teacher, Guide, Someone who played the role of a mother. Someone who actually listened dedicatedly.