About Me

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Itanagar, Arunacahl Pradesh, India
An obsessive thinker. Mostly confused. Polite. Talks less. I try to live and learn everyday.

Monday, August 24, 2009


..Firstly, I'm glad that there is an exsistence of BLOGGER in this world or even atleast in my life. There are things, or especially when it comes to me, that I don't share with anyone. Or even if i do, I wonder if i have the LISTERS full attention. This BLOG system has opened a whole new world of ALWAYS READY TO LISTEN page to me without the JUDGEMENTAL part. Wow!! I am actaully releived..

So, I'll begin now with my new post..>>MURDER OF FEAR<<.
..A true story based on true event to a living being named Topsy..

It's almost a week now since it happened to me, and after the life-defining week and all those thoughts that have been provoking me, I have come to realise that THE FEAR IS FINALLY MURDERED....
Wondering what I'm talking about?
...I guess it was Thursday night. I was on my way to get my phone from my friends place which I had foolishly left. Unaware of what was destined to happen, I took a Rickshaw to my friends place. Feeling the breezy air cut thorough me and having a moment of thought that said "Wow!! North Campus is really cool place!!"...I felt something intervening my glorious moment. And before I could realise I was on the ground, FALLEN and BLEEDING and CONFUSED......The only stimuli that reached my body parts from my brain was, "RUN AFTER THE BIKE". And I ran petrified. "NOT SCARED".

topsy!!!! topsy!!!! topsy!!! topsy!!!

That was the my friends SCREAMING voice commanding me to come back. I Looked back at her face that was swinging between fear, hope and anger. I looked at the bikers again, they vanished into the thin darkness..

..I came back, without any fear on my face, but Strong and I knew, The FEAR WITHIN ME WAS DEAD.

Many reading this, would or is wondering What I'm I trying to convey. Thinking, "Is this some Bull-S***ing?"...I would say YES and NO. Because I know, it's hard for me express out what exactly is in my heart, for I fear of being unmasked. And No, because some of this writing are written to tell me myself what I have learned today, even if makes sense to someone or not.

Thank you for reading though..